Request Payload Variation

The Request Payload is extra data sent from the browser during the request. In the response you normally have the response header and the response body. The request payload is the request’s version of a request body. It is how form data, ajax data, and image data is sent. Usually only POST/PUT calls have a request payload. A common use case for websites is to access this data within API calls on their site.

SiteSpect offers Request Payload as a trigger option in campaigns and metrics. This means you can match or trigger on any element in the request payload using simple contains or more elaborate regex options. There are many matching options available detailed below.

Matching Options

Request Payload allow the following matching options:

  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Does not start with
  • Ends with
  • Does not end with
  • Exactly
  • Does not match exactly
  • Regex
  • Does not match regex

Since the Request Payload trigger follows the same rules as other campaign or metric triggers it can be paired with other trigger types or with additional Request Payload triggers using the AND/OR boolean operators.


Trigger Options

Trigger Options

Request Payload Trigger

Trigger Request Payload

In additional to triggering changes against specific elements within the Request Payload it is also possible to modify the Payload using a number of different methods. Most commonly find and replace can be used to insert, update or remove specific items. But it is possible to apply other changes to this trigger as outlined below.

What to Change with Request Payload Triggers


Example: Trigger = Request Payload and What to Change Origin: Request Payload

Origin Request Payload

Example: Trigger = Request Payload and What to Change Origin: Cooke Value 

Request Payload and Cookie


While it is common to utilize Request Payload Triggers in combination with find and replace or origin changes it can be used to support all SiteSpect experiment build methods with the exception of client side.
