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  2. Build
  3. Create a Client-Side Campaign

Launching the Visual Editor

The Visual Editor is available from the Variations section of the A/B Campaign Builder. It allows you to edit pages in a WYSIWYG environment and make changes right on the page. Before launching the Visual Editor be sure to review the best practices for browser configuration settings


To launch the Visual Editor:

  1. Select New > A/B Campaign.
  2. Open the Variations section of the page.
  3. Select the Launch Visual Editor button on the left side of the page.

SiteSpect opens the Visual Editor.

Launch Visual Editor

The Visual Editor opens in the same browser window as the SiteSpect application. This is different from SiteSpect's other preview functions, which open a new tab or window. If you click the close box in the upper right corner of the Visual Editor, you close your browser and SiteSpect.