When you are looking at a report, you may identify a Variation that is performing extremely well and is statistically significant. Based on that observation, you may want to apply this change to all incoming traffic immediately.
You can do this one of two ways:
You can change the component on your website, using your internal IT resources to publish the change.
- You can use SiteSpect to serve this version to all traffic flowing through it. You can do this using an option called Apply This Variation to ALL Traffic.
On the Performance Matrix:
- In the report grid at the bottom of the page, click the Options button next to the Variation you want to apply. A small menu opens.
Select Apply This Variation to ALL Traffic.
On the Time Trends Report:
- In the report at the bottom of the page, you can find the Variations listed to the right. Click the Options button next to the Variation you want to apply. A small menu opens.
Select Apply This Variation to ALL Traffic.