Geo Location Triggers

The Geo Location feature allows you to identify visitors based on their location at a granularity down to the city level on an international basis. In addition, within the United States, SiteSpect allows you to target visitors based on their location down to the U.S. postal code level.

The Geo Locations interface is divided into two sections: on the left are the available locations that you may select; on the right is the list of locations already selected: Users in these areas.

The regions of the world are divided into three international groupings identified by these acronyms:

  • AMER: Includes North America and South America
  • EMEA: Includes Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
  • APAC: Includes Asia and the Pacific Rim

Geo Location Triggers - When to Change

When you select a region, the list box to the right displays only countries from that region.

Geo Location Triggers - When to Change II

The following steps help you to specify Geo Locations:

  1. Select one of the three international areas: AMER, EMEA, APAC.
  2. Once you have selected one of the major international areas, use the Geography area to the right to drill down to the location you want to select.
  3. Once you have drilled down, click and drag the precise location to the right in the Users in These Areas box.

For example, to select the United States zip code 02108:

  1. Select AMER.
  2. In the Geography column, scroll down to United States and click the plus sign (+) next to it. United States is added to the top of the Geography section to show you that you are drilling down to locations within that country as in the following image. Note that below the United States in the Geography section is a list of states within the US. 

Geo Location Triggers - United States

  1. Scroll down to Massachusetts and click the plus sign (+) next to it. Massachusetts is added to the header of the Geography section to show that you are drilling down in that location. Note that below Massachusetts in the Geography section is a list of cities within Massachusetts.

Geo Location Triggers - United States Massachusetts

  1. Scroll down to Boston and click the plus sign (+) next to it. Boston is added to the header of the Geography section to show that you are drilling down in that location. Note that below Boston in the Geography section is a list of zip codes within Boston.

Geo Location Triggers - Massachusetts Boston

  1. Scroll down to 02108. Click and drag 02108 over to the right in the section called Users in These Areas.

Geo Location Triggers - When to Change III 

Note: If you select a child category (such as a city), you cannot also select the parent category (such as a state) to be included. To add the parent, create another Trigger.
  1. To add another Geo Location to this Trigger, begin by selecting one of the international groupings on the left and begin the drill-down process again.