General Macros

The macros in the following table allow you to pass data about visitors and visits to your analytics program. You can use them on their own with other higher-level macros, but not within the higher-level macros (i.e., not passed as an {fmt} parameter) described in the sections that follow.

Macro Data Type Description


Unix timestamp

Affinity expiration date. A value of 0 if affinity is not configured for this Site or if the visitor is not assigned to a Campaign. Otherwise the value is a Unix timestamp representing the expiration time for the Affinity Cookie.


Domain ID. The SiteSpect resource that has configuration details about a domain setup within SiteSpect.
__SS_GEO_CITY__ String User's city.
__SS_GEO_CONTINENTCODE__ String User's continent code.
__SS_GEO_COUNTRYCODE__ String User's country code.
__SS_GEO_COUNTRYNAME__ String User's country name.
__SS_GEO_LATITUDE__ Floating point User's latitude.
__SS_GEO_LONGITUDE__ Floating point User's longitude.
__SS_GEO_METROCODE__ Integer User's metro code.
__SS_GEO_POSTALCODE__ Integer User's postal code.
__SS_GEO_REGIONCODE__ String User's region code.
__SS_GEO_REGIONNAME__ String User's region name.
__SS_GEO_TIMEZONE__ String User's time zone.
__SS_GUID__ Alphanumeric Global Unique ID. The Global Unique ID of the user.
__SS_ISHUMAN__ Boolean Robot detection. Returns 1 if the visitor has passed SiteSpect's Automatic Robot Detection (ARD); otherwise it returns 0.
__SS_NEWUSER__ Integer New user. A value of 1 if the user is a new user; 0 for returning users.
__SS_NODEID__ Integer Engine node ID.
__SS_ORIGINTIME__ Integer The time (in milliseconds) it takes for the request to travel from SiteSpect to the Origin and then back to SiteSpect. This is a round trip time.
__SS_PROCESSINGTIME__ Integer The time (in milliseconds) it takes SiteSpect to process the request and response.
__SS_REQUESTTIME__ Integer Request time. The number of milliseconds that this request took in SiteSpect.
__SS_RPHIT{id}__ Integer Metric hit. A value of 1 if the Metric given by the id parameter is hit on the page; 0 if not.
__SS_RPHITVALUE{id}__ Floating Point Metric hit value. The numeric value captured for the Metric given by the id parameter.
__SS_SERVERGROUPID__ Integer Engine Server Group ID.
__SS_SERVERGROUPNAME__ String Engine Server Group name.
__SS_SITEID__ Integer Site ID. The SiteSpect container for your account including domain configuration, Campaigns, and reports.
__SS_SITEIDENTITYID__ Integer Site Identity ID. The SiteSpect resource that has configuration details about a domain setup within SiteSpect. Deprecated, use __SS_DOMAINID__.
__SS_TOTALTIME__ Integer Total travel time for both the request and response, from the time the request reaches SiteSpect, then on to your Origin, and back through SiteSpect. The Total Time is defined as the Origin Time plus the SiteSpect Processing Time.
__SS_USERAGENT__ Not cleaned string User agent. The browser’s user-agent string.
__SS_UVISITCOUNT__ Integer Visit count. The total number of visits by the visitor, including the current visit.
__SS_UVISITHITRATING__ Integer The user's hit rating for the current visit.
__SS_UVISITREMOTEADDR__ IPv4 Address User visit remote address. The visitor's current IP address.
__SS_VHIT{id}__ Integer Variation hit. A value of 1 if the Variation given by the id parameter matches on the page; 0 if not. Variations that do not successfully apply still trigger this macro.