1. Knowledge Base
  2. Analyze
  3. Data Export and Integration

Exporting Data

SiteSpect's Data Export feature allows you to export the data that SiteSpect tracks. You can then analyze the exported data outside of SiteSpect using a third-party data analysis tool.

To perform the export, you need to complete the following steps, explained below in this topic:

  1. First specify how to segment the data and set a date-range.
  2. Choose from among the fields that SiteSpect tracks.
  3. Choose the format for the exported file.
  4. Choose whether or not to export an explanations file.

Launching the Export

To access the export function:

  1. Select Analyze.
  2. Select the Campaign whose data you want to export.
  3. Select Data Export.

The Export page opens. By default, SiteSpect exports all the data it tracks. However, you can specify what to export and how it is sorted.

Selecting Segmentation Options

At the top of the Data Export page is a section that allows you to select Segmentation options, which determine how the data is sorted and grouped.

Exporting Data

  1. Use the View By drop-down field to select how you want each row to report data. This determines what you are looking at in each row.
    • Visit – Each row of data shows the sum of a single user's visit.
    • User – Each row of data shows the sum of all visits by a single user.
  2. Use the Segment By drop-down field to determine how you want Segments to apply.

    • Visit – Applies the Segment by Visit.
    • User – Applies the Segment by User.
    Note: Segment By and Visit By do not have to match. For example, if you select Visit in the View By field and User in the Segment By field, and use a Segment that filters in all users who spent more than $300, SiteSpect creates a row for each visit for each user who meets the Segment criteria, including the visits during which the user spent nothing as long as the total for each user adds up to more than $300.
  3. Segments allow you to identify a subset of users within a Campaign who exhibit similar behaviors while visiting your site. They allow you to limit the data to a subset that matches settings you define, such as Visit Attributes and Metrics. To select Segments to include in the export, click their check boxes in the Include column of the drop-down. To exclude a Segment, click its check box in the Not column. Select AND to include all visits or users that satisfy all the selected Segments. Select OR to include visits or users that satisfy any of the selected Segments. You can apply up to twenty Segments.

Specifying a Date Range for the Export

To specify a date range for the export, set a Start Time and an End Time. Click in either of the date fields to open a standard date selection pop-up. Complete the Start Time and End Time.

Selecting Fields to Export

The following fields are available for export. Note that all the fields are available when you select Visit from the View By drop-down list. Some are not available when you select User from the View By drop-down list and are marked as such below:

Metrics Select which metrics will be included in the download.
User_GUID The value of the User Tracking cookie (SSID) used by SiteSpect.
AsmtVisitCount The visit number within the Campaign (i.e., 1=first, 2=second, etc.). Not available when you View By User.
StartTime_SSE Start time of visit in seconds-since-epoch, i.e., since Jan 1, 1970, in Greenwich Mean Time.
StartTime_English Start time of visit in English, e.g., 2008-10-06 09:56:44, in the time zone selected in your profile.
StartTime_Excel Start time of visit in Excel-compatible format.
TotalVisits The total visits to the site, incremented each time a user visits your site, regardless of which Campaign the user is assigned to.
TimeSinceFirstVisit The total number of days since the users first ever visited the site.
VisitLength Elapsed time of visit in seconds.
RefererUrl URL that referred/linked the user to the site. Not available when you View By User.
User's IP Address The IP address of the user. Not available when you View By User.
EntryPageUrl URL where the user entered the site (i.e., the landing page). Not available when you View By User.
UserAgent The User-Agent string of the web browser. Not available when you View By User.
Pageviews Number of pages viewed during a visit.
Factor_nnn ID of Variations shown for each tested factor. These fields are listed in the Export Explanation File (see below).
Factor_name The name and ID of the Variations shows for each tested Factor.
AncillaryCookieValue The value captured from the ancillary cookie (if configured). Not available when you View By User.
ConcurrentCampaigns This lists concurrent Campaign:VariationGroup IDs.
Show data pertaining to type of mobile device used: Whether a visit was on a smartphone. Also includes the deprecated mobile details. Not available when you View By User.


The following fields are automatically included in all exports:

VariationGroup_ID The unique ID for each Variation Group.

Selecting the File Format

The File Format section of the Data Export page allows you to set several options that determine the format of the output.

You may opt to include a header row with all field names by selecting the Show Header Row with Field Titles check box.

Select one of the following formats for the data export:

  • Text File: Comma Separated Values (CSV) – Useful for importing into external statistical analysis programs or data collectors.
  • Text File: Tab Separated Values (TSV) – Useful for importing into external statistical analysis programs or data collectors.
  • HTML File Type, Table – This format is useful if you wish to present your data on a web site or import it into a web-based reporting system.

Select what type of quotes you want in the data export:

  • Double-quote (") Field Values – Surrounds each value with double-quotes.
  • Singe-quote (') Field Values – Surrounds each value with single-quotes.
  • No quotes – Uses no quotes.

Select what you want to happen at the end of a line:

  • LF – Just a line feed
  • CR – Just a carriage return.
  • CRLF – A carriage return and a line feed.

Exporting the Data

When you have made your selections, export the data by clicking Export Data at the bottom of the page.

You may also export a text file that explains the Metrics and Factor/Variation ID's by clicking Export Explanation File (TXT). This creates a text file or opens the data in a browser window.