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  2. Implementation, Deployment, and Security

Data Layers

Data layers offer a simple way to expose data for use by various applications and analytics tools. Exposing SiteSpect Campaign details in a data layer is a simple and efficient way to tie SiteSpect data with other systems.

Use the __SS_LISTCAMPAIGNCOUNTED{fmt}{delim} along with the following macros to pass SiteSpect data to an existing data layer or to populate a new one.

Macro Data Type Description
__SS_TCID__ Integer Campaign ID. The TestCampaign_ID listed in the URL when you are editing a Campaign or the ID visible in the tooltip when you hover over the Campaign on the Campaign List.
__SS_VGID__ Integer Variation Group ID. The VariationGroup_ID listed in Summary View when you are editing a Campaign in the New Builder or the ID visible in the tooltip when you hover over the Variation Group Edit button in the Old Builder.

Creating a New Data Layer Object

The following example creates a data layer object called ssWatts, which exposes the Campaign IDs and Variation IDs of visitors who are Assigned to and Counted in Campaigns in SiteSpect.

Create a Site Variation and use the following for the Search Text and Replacement Text fields.

Search Text:


Replacement Text:

  <script language="JavaScript"> 
var ssWatts = [__SS_LISTCAMPAIGNCOUNTED{,}__];

Example Result:

<script language="JavaScript"> 
var ssWatts = [{
testCampaignID: 534,
variationGroupID: 4355
}, {
testCampaignID: 536,
variationGroupID: 4561

Modifying an Existing Data Layer

The following is a simple example that appends SiteSpect Campaign data to an existing data layer. Create a Site Variation and use the following for the Search Text and Replacement Text fields.

Note: This example assumes the existence of a digitalData object already defined on the page. For this example, make sure that the Variation is inserted in the source code below the definition of the data layer.

Search Text:


Replacement Text:

  <script language="JavaScript">
var ssWatts = [__SS_LISTCAMPAIGNCOUNTED{,}__];
digitalData.ssWatts = ssWatts;

Example Result:

  <script language="JavaScript">
var ssWatts = [{
testCampaignID: 534,
variationGroupID: 4355
}, {
testCampaignID: 536,
variationGroupID: 4561
digitalData.ssWatts = ssWatts;