Campaign Compatibility

You may have Campaigns that you have created with the A/B Campaign Builder and some that you created with the MVT Campaign Builder. Check out the following rules on the compatibility between the two types of Campaigns.

Note: Using the A/B Campaign Builder, you can open, modify, and save Campaigns you have created in the MVT Campaign Builder. Keep in mind that if you do so, your MVT Campaigns may no longer work in the MVT Campaign Builder.

The conditions below apply to A/B Campaigns; Multivariate Campaigns are not yet available in the A/B Builder.

  • If you edit an A/B Campaign in the MVT Campaign Builder, SiteSpect displays a warning. You may not be able to work on the Campaign in the A/B Builder after editing it in the MVT Builder.
  • If you edit an MVT Campaign in the A/B Builder, SiteSpect displays a warning. You may not be able to work on the Campaign in the MVT Builder after editing it in the A/B Builder.

We recommend that if you want to edit an MVT Campaign in the A/B Builder, then do so realizing that once you save it in the A/B Builder, you must from here forward maintain it in the A/B Builder.

Factor and Variation Compatibility

Keep the following compatibility issues in mind when working with Factors and Variations:

  • Variations you create in the A/B Builder are listed on the Factor List page.
  • If you edit a Variation that you created in the A/B Builder in the MVT Builder, SiteSpect displays a warning telling you that you may be breaking compatibility with the A/B Builder. Minor edits, such as changing the name of a Variation will not break compatibility, but larger edits such as editing the Find and Replace text will.
  • If you edit in the MVT Builder a Variation you created using the Visual Editor, you will run into two warnings:
    • one that lets you know that your edits may render the Variation no longer editable by the A/B Builder;
    • and another that warns you about breaking the link with the Visual Editor by editing it manually.